Deadpool Test-Footage leaked and it’s loco! Waaay loco!
Is it true? Is the Merc-with-the-Mouth finally getting his (proper) big-screen debut? We hope so! First seen on Collider and then on Kotaku it seems that a test footage is circulating the net. Better catch it before it gets blocked by the powers that be: With the right wit, humor, action and ... Deadpool Test-Footage leaked and it’s loco! Waaay loco!
Is it true? Is the Merc-with-the-Mouth finally getting his (proper) big-screen debut? We hope so! First seen on Collider and then on Kotaku it seems that a test footage is circulating the net. Better catch it before it gets blocked by the powers that be:
With the right wit, humor, action and (possibly) gore, we’re hoping this supposed R-rated film gets done…and gets done right. We’re still reeling from the horrors of X-Men Origins especially what they did to Wade Wilson. Ryan Reynolds is still the Deadpool that I want and if the test footage confirms anything he gets the tone of the character right. The test footage (albeit looking like a video game trailer) presents itself more as a proof-of-concept than anything. Quirky and funny and just overall fun, if done right, Fox, I can probably forgive you for butchering some of the X-Men films.
Here are some screens (in case the video gets taken down):