Low-cost But Very Faithful Trailer of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
A YouTube channel is now making waves online for coming up with low-cost but faithful reproductions of big-budget trailers of the latest Hollywood flicks. The one that’s currently being shared like crazy online is their take on the trailer of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It’s amazing how they were able to copy every scene, ... Low-cost But Very Faithful Trailer of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
A YouTube channel is now making waves online for coming up with low-cost but faithful reproductions of big-budget trailers of the latest Hollywood flicks. The one that’s currently being shared like crazy online is their take on the trailer of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It’s amazing how they were able to copy every scene, sound effect, and detail with stuff you could buy from National Bookstore! 😛
Check out their work below and watch out for the Sith Lord scene. That was so kick-ass, haha!
Check out their YT Channel here. Enjoy!