How Do You Solve A Problem Like Lady Gaga?

The Oscars have always been a show about surprises: some good, some bad and some really amazingly unexpectedly great ones like today’s musical performance of Lady Gaga. To present the great Julie Andrews, Lady Gaga sang a supercut track of Sound of Music’s repertoire — and she does it quite flawlessly. Amazing and unexpected performance ... How Do You Solve A Problem Like Lady Gaga?

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The Oscars have always been a show about surprises: some good, some bad and some really amazingly unexpectedly great ones like today’s musical performance of Lady Gaga.

The Oscar floor went gaga over what Gaga performed. :D

The Oscar floor went gaga over what Gaga performed. 😀

To present the great Julie Andrews, Lady Gaga sang a supercut track of Sound of Music’s repertoire — and she does it quite flawlessly. Amazing and unexpected performance from Lady Gaga here. I was actually waiting for an EDM-ish remix of My Favorite Things or Climb Every Mountain but what we got was unadulterated, Sound of Music goodness. Heck, her first few notes even felt like Julie Andrews was the one singing.

Gaga has been trying to break grounds into new musical genre’s with her multiple stint with Tony Bennett and this Oscar performance proves that she’s not a one-track, um, monster.

Well in fairness, she did have a bit of training as a 'singing nun' in the past. :D But her performance today was just refreshingly brilliant.

Well in fairness, she did have a bit of training as a ‘singing nun’ in the past, but her performance today is a welcome departure of the ol’ Mother Monster. 😀

All in all, her show stopping performance, gave this year’s Oscar the pomp it rightly deserves. Watch the performance below (note: the video skips a bit then backtracks towards the end. Weird, I know. If you’d want to watch the whole show, HBO is doing a rerun later at 7:30pm for the Red Carpet show and 9:00PM for the Oscars proper).