SDCC 2015: WATCH: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Comic Con Trailer debuts

Literally exploding online right after showing at Warner Bros. Comic Con Panel at San Diego, watch the new and FULL COMIC CON TRAILER for next year's EPIC slugfest between Bats and Supes with "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"!

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Straight from the recently concluded Warner Bros. Comic-Con Panel is the much awaited moment that most comic book fans and moviegoers the world over have been looking forward to – the BRAND NEW COMIC CON TRAILER for Zack Snyder’s upcoming slugfest between The Dark Knight and Man of Steel with “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”!


After showing off the footage for a blocked audience in Hall H at the San Diego Comic-Con, the footage finally made its way online courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures… And you’ll have to see it for yourselves dear readers to actually believe that this may be the SUPERHERO MOVIE that fans of Batman and Superman have been waiting for years to see… And it includes a lot of numerous nods and features from the comics!

Here’s the trailer for your viewing pleasure. Prepare yourselves…

 Still there? That was over three minutes of AWESOME FOOTAGE.


Reprising his role from Man of Steel, Henry Cavill’s Superman stands as the center of controversy and issue for the human race after the fallout from his battle with General Zod caused much destruction and death in Meteropolis and the rest of the world. One of those that mistrusts his presence is none other than Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne, who literally decides to return to his vigilante persona as the mysterious Caped Crusader known as Batman.


With the inevitable confrontation between two powerful forces coming, several personalities such as Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons’ Alfred, and Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman will make their presence known. This film is certainly making the word “Hype” an understatement… And director Zack Snyder may just deliver on making the BIGGEST and most EPIC SUPERHERO FILM yet.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released in theaters on March 25, 2016.