The Awesomeness of the 2015 Asia Pop Comicon – Day 3 Highlights

Earlier we covered the highlights of DAY 2 <link to Day 2 article> and it was pretty epic but the APCC party showed no signs of slowing down for DAY 3! So join us as we take a look back at what went down on the final day of the Con. Well since the lines ... The Awesomeness of the 2015 Asia Pop Comicon – Day 3 Highlights

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo

Earlier we covered the highlights of DAY 2 <link to Day 2 article> and it was pretty epic but the APCC party showed no signs of slowing down for DAY 3! So join us as we take a look back at what went down on the final day of the Con.

Well since the lines were long yesterday, I’m sure they won’t be long today… NOT!
Intense line is intense!

Intense line is intense!

This wall of art was just halfway done yesterday. Today, it’s just… WOW
Doodle our walls please!!!!! T___T

Doodle our walls please!!!!! T___T

The day starts starts strong with Paul Bettany
Paul Bettany aka J.A.R.V.I.S. aka Vision poses for the press

Paul Bettany aka J.A.R.V.I.S. aka Vision poses for the press

And a bit of Jeremy Shada (and his band)
Really wish they'd start singing Finn's song "I'm a tough tootin' baby I can puncha ya buns" :p

Really wish they’d start singing Finn’s song “I’m a tough tootin’ baby I can puncha ya buns” :p

Finally got to see all the guest YouTubers of Maker Studios on Day 3! Awesome photos and conversations with Comicbookgirl19, Strawburry17, our very own Chris Cantada Force, Commander Holly and Octopimp!
A bunch of panels also happened that day. This was the Cosplay Panel featuring LeeAnna Vamp, Monika Lee, and Bill Doran
Cosplay Talk with Cosplay Pros

Cosplay Talk with Cosplay Pros

The CAGE Judges were also in very nice outfits for Day 3!
VampyBitMe, Alodia Gosiengfiao, Jay Tablante, Allison Harvard, and Bill Doran (unfortunately our only solo pic of Bill was blurred to obscurity -- sorry, Bill :( but we <3 you and you know that :p).

VampyBitMe, Alodia Gosiengfiao, Jay Tablante, Allison Harvard, and Bill Doran (unfortunately our only solo pic of Bill was blurred to obscurity — sorry, Bill 🙁 but we

Colton Haynes and Nathalie Emmanuel took to the stage as well to address their loving fans from the PH 🙂
When Colton Haynes took the stage...

So when Colton Haynes took the stage…

Nathalie Emannuel addressed the Valeryan!

…and Nathalie Emannuel addressed the crowd…in Valyrian…

The crowd lost their collective minds

…the crowd lost their collective minds

As if the day wasn’t celebrity-filled enough, we even spotted KC Montero and Stephanie Dods enjoying the con! We heard that there were other celebs on-site as well who were just there to have fun 🙂
Spotted at the APCC!

Spotted at the APCC!

and, later on in the day, the CAGE awards their winners!
Samurai Spawn!!! Deym!

Grand Champion: Samurai Spawn!!! Deym!

I mean look at those details!!! >_<! Gyaaaah!
Samurai Spawn


There’s, of course, more awesome cosplay madness happening on the floor.
Star Lord in Star Wars

Star Lord…in Star Wars? 😀

Chris Cantada with Star Lord! :D

Chris Cantada with Star Lord! 😀

Annnd that's a wrap for AsiaPop Comicon 2015!

Annnd that’s a wrap for AsiaPop Comicon 2015!

Whew! APCC 2015 was a trip and I’m so happy that it happened and that I was there. I’m so looking forward to it happening again here!