THE PARK takes you on a horrific psychological horror journey for Halloween!
Happy Halloween, everybody! It's that time of year for costumes, treats, and spooks! So just to suit the holiday, we bring the spotlight on a horror game that just released quite recently - THE PARK. Prepared to scare!

Happy Halloween, everybody! It’s that time of year for costumes, treats, and spooks! So just to suit the holiday, we bring the spotlight on a horror game that just released quite recently – THE PARK. Prepared to scare!

Enter The Park at your own risk!
THE PARK is a psychological horror game that was released on STEAM this week, October 27 (October 28 PH Time), and was developed and published by Funcom (who is known for their successful games like THE SECRET WORLD, THE LONGEST JOURNEY, and DREAMFALL). Gameplay is first-person exploration that let’s you go through a narrative experience as the story develops further and further. In this game, you play as Lorraine who has gone to Atlantic Island Park with her son, Callum. The game starts at around Sunset with the Park about to close and you and your son are about to leave. However, your son has forgotten his teddy bear and you’re off to find it. Not long after, Callum dashes back to the Park and you go after him. That’s when things get creepy… night ABRUPTLY falls and the park suddenly has gone to a deteriorated and abandoned state. Thus your journey begins to find your son as you weave through the horrors of the park.
Aside from your typical horror game elements, a cool game mechanic I’d like to note is how you can call to your son with the right-click button. By pressing the button, you can shout to your son and try to see if you can figure out what direction he’s at as well as highlight any interact-able objects. What’s interesting about this feature is how her calls become more and more desperate and scared as the game progresses. Interested? Check out the trailer to see more:
We, at UnGeek, were so curious and excited to try this game out that we made a Let’s Play video of it that you can watch in time for Halloween 🙂. Part 1 is already up but we’ll be posting the remaining parts soon enough. If you want some spooks, go ahead and watch below:
Of course, we also recommend that you experience the game for yourself. You can buy it on STEAM now at 23% off (discounted price is at PHP292.56) right here. We highly recommend you play / watch it especially tonight 🙂 Happy Halloween!