(WATCH) NEVER JUMPSCARE A MAN WITH A ROBOTIC ARM AND A STUN ROD! *UnGeek Plays: Tales from the Borderlands [Ep1] (P2)*

In today's installment of UnGeek Plays: Tales from the Borderlands [Ep1], a guy finds out why you JUST. DONT. JUMPSCARE. JUST. ANYONE. He's lucky our protagonist, Rhys, takes it easy on him (sort of). Yup, the craziness and fun continues as we go on PART 2 of our adventure! I'm sincerely loving every second of this game and my only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. :p

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo

Whenever you feel the insane urge to jumpscare someone, make sure that:

  • A) He knows you well enough to not react badly and smack you in the face
  • B) He does NOT have the option to hurt your face with a very hard object… say, for example, a robotic arm
  • C) He is NOT armed with something like a STUN BATON
  • D) He does not have hostile company (i.e. a Loaderbot)

Because, in today’s installment of UnGeek Plays: Tales from the Borderlands [Ep1], a guy finds out why you JUST. DONT. He’s lucky our protagonist, Rhys, takes it easy on him (sort of). Yup, the craziness and fun continues as we go on PART 2 of our adventure! I’m sincerely loving every second of this game and my only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner. :p

As always, if you love the video, please do SUBSCRIBE to the UnGeek YouTube Channel and SHARE the video on your Social Networks. It would seriously help us out a lot. 🙂 Hope you enjoy!