Life Lessons: When in doubt, Sell out! Tales from the Borderlands continues with the crazy!
The crazy shifts into HIGH GEAR as we return with PART 2 of our TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS (EPISODE 2) Let's Play!

Selling out – Borderlands Style
The crazy shifts into HIGH GEAR as we return with PART 2 of our TALES FROM THE BORDERLANDS (EPISODE 2) Let’s Play! We meet Ripped Vaughn Winkle who makes everyone uncomfortable with his unexpected abs. I die for a SECOND TIME. (Yes, I’m terrible. I’m sorry D: ). We see the epitome of the BRO CODE in action. and we meet SCOOTER, who is possibly the best person ever in this series!

Scooter – a man of awesome
Best person to sell out to. 10/10. 5/7. Hope you enjoy Part 2, everyone! Video is right below.
For the record, I am aware that there are sort of some audio issues with this video and I have no idea why that is @_@ Please bear with me on that one.