WATCH: Meet the Guardians of the Motherland in the upcoming Superhero Movie, ZASCHITNIKI
Zaschitniki (English translation “The Guardians”) is a Russian Superhero movie set to be released sometime in 2016 directed by Armenian director Sarik Andreasyan and starring Anton Pampuchniy, Sanzhar Madiev, Sebastian Sisak-Grigoryan, Alina Lanina, Valeria Shkirando, and Stanislav Shirin. It is set in an alternate history of the Cold War between the US & USSR where the Soviets we’re able to create their own super humans to defend the motherland.

*puts on Russian accent*
So the Capitalist dogs have you wanting for more of their deceitful propaganda with their preposterous human rodent, silly flag man, & their ridiculous space swordsmen. Well, watch out! For the motherland will give birth to new heroes you can believe in.
Zaschitniki (English translation “The Guardians”) is a Russian Superhero movie set to be released sometime in 2017 directed by Armenian director Sarik Andreasyan and starring Anton Pampuchniy, Sanzhar Madiev, Sebastian Sisak-Grigoryan, Alina Lanina, Valeria Shkirando, and Stanislav Shirin. It is set in an alternate history of the Cold War between the US & USSR where the Soviets we’re able to create their own super humans to defend the motherland.
The Guardians consists of 4 members:
- Arsus has the ability to transform himself into a bear
- Khan the blademaster armed with twin, cresent blades
- Ler is armed with all forms of earth manipulation abilities
- Xenia has the ability to manipulate water

For the Motherland!
“The ‘Imperialists’ have no hope of success in trying to frighten Russia by the so-called hydrogen bomb”, according to the Soviet Deputy Premier and former Foreign Minister (Mr. Molotov). He said ”This blackmail, springing from the assumption that they have the monopoly of the atomic bomb, is in vain. We know very well- the secrets of atomic energy, as well as the production of atomic weapons.” – Soviet Propaganda, Speech by Mr. Molotov, The Geralton Guardian, March 11, 1950