ICYMI: STEAM’s LUNAR YEAR SALE makes sure your Game Library is Full and Prosperous
In case you missed it, The LUNAR NEW YEAR STEAM SALE went LIVE over the weekend and it has OVER 9,000 GAMES FOR SALE! You best take advantage of it if you're planning to buy something because it only lasts until FEBRUARY 12, 10AM PST.

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year, errbody! Prosperity to one and all!!
However, the almighty Gaben had OTHER plans. In case you missed it, The LUNAR NEW YEAR STEAM SALE went LIVE over the weekend and it has OVER 9,000 GAMES FOR SALE! You best take advantage of it if you’re planning to buy something because it only lasts until FEBRUARY 12, 10AM PST.
OMG, my wallet is still reeling from the Winter Sale and yet, here we are again! There are some REALLY GOOD deals and you can see them all on the Steam Store Page which you can access via your browser or your actual STEAM program. If you want a quick rundown of the featured sale items as well as see discussions on what’s good to buy or not, you can refer to THIS THREAD that covers the entire sale on Reddit Game Deals.
For this article, I want to feature FIVE GAMES that I PERSONALLY like. These are the games that I think are AWESOME to play and are also very affordable for what they are. So for the record, this list is just based off my opinion and personal game love. So, here we go!
- Discount: 20% off
- Sale Price: Php 255.96
- Original Price: Php 319.95
Okay. The discount may not be that big but, seriously, THIS GAME IS WORTH IT. For an indie game, this was MY PICK for 2015 Game of the Year. I know Witcher 3 did a great job and I take nothing away from Witcher 3. I’m definitely a fan but Undertale just kept on surprising and impressing players throughout its play. Soundtrack is top notch, Gameplay is really great, and Story… OMG the story. I could go on and on but, to keep this short and sweet, all I can say is this is a MUST-PLAY game.
- Discount: 57% off
- Sale Price: Php 773.97
- Original Price: Php 1,799.95
Well, OF COURSE I had to recommend 2015’s ACTUAL GAME OF THE YEAR – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This deal however is made even sweeter as it also includes The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director’s Cut and The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings Enhanced Edition. This bundle is actually cheaper than getting Witcher 3 by itself. If not for anything, just buy it BECAUSE of Witcher 3. That game just did EVERYTHING right. They released the game with FREE DLCs and kept the content fresh with paid DLCs that followed. The world was simply breathtaking and the gameplay was superb. The game was also constantly patched to fix issues AND add more content for players. This game was truly something that gave the love back to the community. So this bundle is DEFINITELY worth looking into.
3. Rocket League
- Discount: 35% off-
- Sale Price: Php 324.96
- Original Price: Php 499.95
This game is actually just SIMPLY FUN to play. It’s like soccer on steroids. Hell, I don’t even like soccer! But this game is just really great to play. It has 8-player multiplayer, a LOT of customization options, AND it let’s you cross-play between PS4 and PC! Like I said, the concept is simple but, damn, execution was strong.
4. Tabletop Simulator
- Discount: 50% off
- Sale Price: Php 249.97
- Original Price: Php 499.95
This game is, in my opinion, a must-have for people who like BOTH Video Games and Board Games, like myself. If you’re not familiar with this game and you simply watched the trailer above, you’re probably asking “WHY? WHY IS THAT A GAME TO BUY??” I’ll tell you right now before you guys burn me at the stake. It’s a great game because of what the trailer DOESN’T show – the game has FULL STEAM WORKSHOP Support. The mods for this game ARE AMAZING and, in turn, gives you access to some of the most popular Tabletop games out there! You want to play Dead of Winter? DONE. It’s there. Cards Against Humanity? Check. It’s there. Pandemic? ALSO THERE. AND SO MUCH MORE! Like I said, if you love both video games and board games, you’ll wanna get this.
5. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
- Discount: 75% off
- Sale Price: Php 227.25
- Original Price: Php 909.00
One of the really good Assassin’s Creed games out there. I’m an AC fan… well, I WAS. I loved the whole concept of playing around a city from every height and angle while you saw the story of the Templar vs Assassin war unfold. It was GREAT! …until games like AC3 and AC Unity happened. Despite those disappointments, there are gems such as Black Flag that show you why the game got so popular in the first place. At 75% off, you can bet this will be worth your time and cash.
That’s it for my recommendations but, like I said, there are OVER 9,000 DEALS right now which you may wanna look at. Do YOU have a game that you think is a must-buy in the CNY Steam Sale? Tell us in the comments below. Whether you do or not, we wish you a prosperous CNY and may your game library be filled to the brim with awesome 😉