Prepare to Rise Up… Street Fighter V is finally available worldwide!

Rise Up and get your brawler groove on! It's February 16, 2016, and Street Fighter V is now officially out for the PS4 and PC! Time to spend all those Bison Dollars and celebrate this Tuesday with Capcom's newest installment in the popular fighting game franchise!

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo


In case you were living in a cave or meditating in the mountains, today is the BIG DAY fighting game fans around the world have been waiting for, as Capcom delivers and unleashes one of their most anticipated titles with the worldwide release of Street Fighter V today, February 16, for PS4 and PC!

Featuring a cinematic story mode that arrives on June as a free update and will bridge the gap between the events of Street Fighter III and Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter V features a mix of characters from past games as well as introducing some new challengers entering the tournament for the first time. Fan favorite characters like Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Zangief, and M. Bison return, as well as classic Street Fighter Alpha faces like R.Mika, Birdie, and the resurrected Charlie Nash. The new blood coming to the World Warrior circuit include the likes of Rashid, Laura (sister of Street Fighter III character Sean), F.A.N.G, and Necalli, and all offer some fancy new moves and ways of experiencing this dynamic new chapter in the series.


Also, players should also be reminded that Street Fighter V will introduce a number of new modes and mechanics that essentially make it a whole new beast to contend with. There will be “V-Skills” and “V-Triggers” to master with each fighter, and it’s not going to be an easy road if you think that every fight’s a “walk in the park”. True to its legacy, this is where concentration, practice, and determination matter every single time.


Now… because it’s Tuesday, remember a great day like this, as the late great Raul Julia and Street Fighter series producer Yoshinori Ono show in this classic video.

Street Fighter V is out NOW on PS4 and PC. Buy it with Bison Dollars!
