UnGeek’s TOP 10 Deadpool Comic Book Moments

As the much-awaited Deadpool movie draws near, it’s the perfect time to recount the numerous times that the Merc with a Mouth made us laugh, proving what a ridiculously awesome character he is (and that he’s crazy)! So here are a few moments that stuck to our memories like scars to Deadpool’s face.

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Image source: http://bit.ly/1L23iYK

Image source: http://bit.ly/1L23iYK


As the much-awaited Deadpool movie draws near, it’s the perfect time to recount the numerous times that the   made us laugh, proving what a ridiculously awesome character he is (and that he’s crazy)! So here are a few moments that stuck to our memories like scars to Deadpool’s face.


1. You should never ever underestimate Mr. Wilson



2. Yeah, it’s his comic after all. One of his many 4th wall breaks.



3. Deadpool gives Hawkeye a nickname



4. Internet memes are right up his alley.



5. Scaring Daredevil



6. Proof that Deadpool knows science



7. The scene that reminds me of Chris Tucker in Rush Hour



8. You do not talk about Fight Club

fight club


9. And be careful when talking about Star Wars with him

star wars


10. And finally, this tender moment he shared with Spidey

different websites


These are just some of the many instances that makes us love Deadpool. With the movie just a few days away, we’re just sooo hyped to see more of the Regenerating Degenerate and his awesome antics! Do you have a favorite Deadpool comic moment? Tell us in the comments below!