CBS releases the first teaser and logo for the new Star Trek TV Series for 2017
Giving a small peak at what's in store for the future of the franchise to honor its 50th Anniversary, CBS has released the first teaser promoting the new "Star Trek" TV Series coming on January 2017 - which reveals the new logo that the show will use.
“To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before…”
When Gene Roddenberry created the first Star Trek television series nearly 50 years ago, no one could have imagined then the grand cult following and success that idea would spawn – literally branching out into a megawide franchise that extended beyond the small screen and into movies, comics, novels, and games. The first series concentrated on the gallant crew of the U.S.S Enterprise – which had a diverse cast of heroic characters that explored the cosmos to seek out new life and civilizations, and many other generations later there have been other memorable groups and characters that have sought similar adventures or fought for the name of a cause that spoke for nobility and honor in preserving the grand scheme of the cosmos.
Now, as part of the franchise’s 50th Anniversary, CBS is preparing to release a new Star Trek TV Series that sees a new crew setting out on new space adventures. Take a look at the first teaser, which doesn’t show anything revealing yet other than a new logo for the show.