Massive Darkness is upon us! Much awaited Kickstarter launched!
1 million dollars in 2 days. That’s how much Massive Darkness, the newest boardgame from publisher CoolMiniOrNot has raised in merely 48 hours of fundraising.
1 million dollars in 2 days.
That’s how much Massive Darkness, the newest boardgame from publisher CoolMiniOrNot has raised in merely 48 hours of fundraising. Reports say that the project blew past its USD200,000 funding requirement in mere minutes after opening last June 7, 3:00 PM EST. As of this writing, over 21 stretch goals have already been unlocked adding, among many things, 35 additional highly detailed miniatures from what was already 75 miniatures in the base game. That’s over 40% more content!
And it’s mind-boggling that we still have 28 days to go.
Of course some slow-down is expected as the hype cools down over the next few days. But the question is now on the table. How high can this go? Their last big miniatures game, Arcadia Quest: Inferno garnered over 9,991 backers and USD1.7 million, and before that was The Others: 7 Sins with over 10,136 backers and USD1.4 million in funding raised. But the dream goal will be reaching the heights of the Zombicide: Black Plague Kickstarter in 2015 with a whopping 20,915 backers (!) and a cool USD4.0 million (!!) collected. With over 8,935 backers already, Massive Darkness could really make a run at challenging for the top spot.
And as always, the contentious Kickstarter exclusives rear their – beautiful or ugly – head, depending on your opinion on the topic. Personally I’m supportive of it since it’s good business practice to reward your most loyal customers, but I can understand why there would be so much salt for the completionists out there.
Whether you like it or not, they’re here to stay. Out of the 35 unlocked miniatures, 8 are Kickstarter exclusives. And what you need to know is that these are not just random goblin and dwarf minions, most of them are these large miniatures the game calls roaming monsters. Roaming monsters will be at least 2x larger than heroes and will represent tough boss type monsters that will randomly spawn on the map. It goes without saying that these roaming monsters will be big bad mofos that can turn your heroes into a puddle of mush in mere seconds. But the risks you take will be well rewarded as they will usually drop high level items commensurate to how much of a pain they are to kill (aka levels). Yes! Just like in dungeon crawl video games! How cool is that?
So what are you waiting for? Stop throwing money at the monitor! We know there’s nothing happening. Head on over to this link and back this awesome project today!
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