The Secret Shop ain’t so secret no more!

The secret's out (and no we're not talking about Team Secret)! DOTA 2 Manila Major's Secret Shop deets revealed!

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo
(Image courtesy of Wykrhm Reddy)

(Image courtesy of Wykrhm Reddy)

What started as mere whispers turned into reality: the secret shop is secret no more! For the past couple of days (well a day and a half to be exact), Team Ungeek has been trying to figure out just where said secret shop is. No signs were shown or announced during the first day and every time we ask any of the people at the Information desk at the Mall of Asia Arena we would get varied answers leading us to conclude that the Secret is soo secret, no one knows about it.

Welp, the secret is out (and no we’re not talking about Team Secret) as we bring you details and a sneak peek into what the secret shop will look like and what will be available for sale once it officially opens it’s doors on June 9 (that’s today)!

Before showing you what swag Team Ungeek opened up, let us show you around the Secret Shop.

Welcome to the Secret Shop!

Welcome to the Secret Shop!

First and foremost, the Secret Shop isn’t IN the Mall of Asia Arena. It’s over at SMX Convention Center right across. Since Manila Majors employ the same “no re-entry policy” with ESL, we suggest you stop by the secret shop first before trudging on to watch the games at the Majors.

It's a jungle out there!

It’s a jungle out there!


The vendor may have been taking a quick fountain trip.

The vendor may have been taking a quick fountain trip.


The stage has been set.

The stage has been set. What activities lie await here?


People lining up to purchase a loot box!

People lining up to purchase a loot box!


More people!

More people!


Photo op time!

There’s also a photo-op wall. In case you want to showcase your swag in style.


Hey look it's the secret shop vendor!

Hey look it’s the secret shop vendor!

Team Ungeek got to purchase a Rare Lootbox and as you can see, the loot is waaaaaaay worth it! Upon opening a rare lootbox, you get treated to a Dota 2 mousepad, a pair of Dota 2 socks, a Manila Majors lanyard, a Manila Majors smartphone case, a Dota 2 Micro Plush, a Manila Majors cap (I swear Riki took it!), and a Tshirt (Design is random).

Our swag! (Manila Majors Cap missing, Riki as the prime suspect)

Our swag! (Manila Majors Cap missing, Riki as the prime suspect)

And that’s just the Rare box! The Legendary box would have bigger and/or better swags (of course you are also paying 2x the price of a Rare box). Still, the ultra-exclusive Legendary box is supposed to drop only tomorrow and in very limited quantities (rumor has it the number is pegged at 1000 units only for the whole Manila Major).

Will you be visiting the secret shop? If you are, you better hurry as these will definitely sell like pancakes! Share your loot (the photo–not the actual loot unless, you know, you want to. :p) with us via the comments below or on our Facebook timeline!

For more on Manila Major, check out our previous stories:

DOTA 2 Manila Majors Day 2! El Clasico in the Making!

The Manila Majors goes live, get hyped!

Manila Sizzles as Valve’s DOTA 2 Manila Major Opens Tomorrow

The Visitor’s Survival Guide to The DOTA 2 Manila Majors