11 Not-So-Strange Things We Probably Do Not Know about Millie Bobby Brown

One of the best things that happened during Day 2 of AsiaPOP Comicon Manila 2016 was the fact that we were graced by the presence of breakout actress Millie Bobby Brown! Here are 11 not-so-strange things you probably didn't know about Millie!

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo

Photo credit to Robert Baynosa

One of the best things that happened during Day 2 of AsiaPOP Comicon Manila 2016 was the fact that we were graced by the presence of breakout actress Millie Bobby Brown! For those who live in another dimension, she brought life to the character “Eleven” AKA “El” from the Netflix hotness Stranger Things!


During the interview with Delamar (and in closing, the fans), we learned a lot about this strange and awesome person who, I believe, piloted the most difficult role in the series with ease. Without further ado, here are 11 not-so-strange things you probably didn’t know about Millie:



  1. She was born in Spain to British parents and made her way to the U.S. (via Florida) where she took up acting at the age of seven. 51420de0-343f-0134-0afe-0629623c6db9
  2. She Believes in the supernatural. “Yeah, I do, why not? I believe people (can) have magic powers.”
  3. She loves to sing. But, if given the choice between acting and singing, Millie would choose acting first. Though she said that “Me and my dad made a deal that soon as I’m 16, I’m gonna start singing.”
  4. Speaking of singing, one of her favorite singers is Adele, check out below a YouTube video of her singing “When We Were Young.”




5. Believe it or not she doesn’t watch cartoons and rather watch Bugsy Malone (a musical gangster film featuring child actors) instead.



6. If given the chance, she wants Jodie Foster to direct an episode, saying she found a connection with her since Jodie herself was a child actress before in Martin Scorsese‘s Taxi Driver (1976).



7. Millie would personally love to have telekinetic powers like her character Eleven, but in reality she prefers to have the power of healing. 



8. Her bond with the other child actors extends off-screen and she said that they regularly communicate via group chat. Aww…

9. But when asked if she has a particular favorite from the three, or one that she likes the most. She simply cannot choose and that she loves everyone. Sorry Mike!



10. Millie believes in the theory (spoiler alert!) that she and the Demogorgon are one and the same coin. Come on now, who actually thinks that she will not return for a second season?


11. Soon as Millie read the Script of Stranger Things and finding out that she needs to shave her hair for the role, she said that “I’ve got to dedicate myself to this, chop it all off, I’m going to become Eleven.” She instantly fell in love and knew what to do with the character. (Like crack people’s necks!)



And on that day Eleven was  born! Want to see more of her? Catch her as AsiaPOP Comicon concludes on its 3rd day. See you there!