Manila Makes History! HistoryCon 2016 is here!

Check what goodies are in store for you inside the first ever History Con! #HCon2016 #HistoryConManila

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo

In case you didn’t know, History Channel debut its first ever History Con here in Manila yesterday! Dubbed as HistoryCon 2016, History Channel flew in myriads of guest stars from their hit reality shows like Ancient Aliens, Storage Wars, Gangland Undercover and Photo Face-Off to the World Trade Center to meet the throngs of frenzied fans from the Philippines.

HCon2016 Day1

History Con is a 4-day event (August 25-28) with myriads of activities. There are countless booths and exhibit areas for you to see and experience:


From vintage collecting…

Vintage Collecting

To car and automobile collecting…

Modern Cars

To vintage car exhibits!

These are the actual Presidential cars used way back when.

These are the actual Presidential cars used way back when.

(And local car exhibits as well)

Wow, Sarao!

Wow, Sarao!

If you’re more of a history nerd and a bit of World War 2 enthusiasts, there’s a whole array of World War 2 exhibits on the con floor.

Army Stuff

And roaming cosplayers as well.

Army Cosplay


Of course the highlight of the con would be the stars themselves.


Mingle with Giorgio Tsoukalos (alien!) or go at it with Brandi and Jarrod of Storage Wars (please don’t,  they’re still kinda intimidating in real life — but they’ll probably pose a photo with you if you ask nicely). Justin Mott of Photo Face-Off also posed a challenge to intrepid photographers who will be attending: submit your best photo and let him judge your work if you be worthy.


The stars of History Con’s latest show, Celebrity Car Wars will be roaming around the Con on the weekend as well. KC Montero, Marc Nelson, Joey Mead-King, Gaby Dela Merced will be talking more and more about this crazy, unhinged weekly car battle that will be debuting on the 28th of August in History Channel.

The stars are out and about at History Con 2016

The stars are out and about at History Con 2016

There are more surprises and tidbits of wonders in HCon 2016 like taking a virtual trip across the seas and into the universe in their VR experience booth and seeing if a group of fine ladies and gents has what it takes to stay awake and tv-marathon for 94 hours straight to break the world record!

VR Experience Booth

Journey through time…and space!

Krazykyle aka the Filipino Picker showcases his wares!

Krazykyle aka the Filipino Picker showcases his wares!

Blast from the Mighty Kid Past! 80's kung 80's!

Blast from the Mighty Kid Past! 80’s kung 80’s!

When we took this photo the clock is currently set at 23 hours and going.

When we took this photo the clock is currently set at 23 hours and going.

All in all, History Con is a mash of incredibly interesting things. If you like cars, culture and, well, history, then you better hit World Trade Center soon! See you there, guys!