Dota 2 Trust of the Benefactors Deployed. How Lucky Are You?

How lucky are you? Are you in good odds with RNGesus or do you face disappointment time and time again? Test your luck with the Trust of the Benefactor Treasures being distributed to all Dota 2 players who purchased battle passes!

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo
The International 6 has come to a close but the prizes keep on coming! Log in to redeem your Trust of the Benefactors treasures! (Image courtesy of Wykrhm Reddy)

The prizes keep on coming! Log in to redeem your Trust of the Benefactors treasures! (Image courtesy of Wykrhm Reddy)

The International 6 may have come to a close but Valve has more surprises for Dota 2 fans who have graciously donated (read loosely as “Gaben take my money!”) to the record breaking TI6 prize pool as 3 Trust of the Benefactor Treasures are being given away to all Dota 2 players who have previously purchased battle passes! Log in to Dota 2 and pray to the RNGesus as you have 3 chances to gain either a not so nice Random hero set or be one of the very lucky players to receive a free Arcana or a Limited edition prize! Note that if you log in and have not received your treasure yet (you need to own a battle pass!), don’t fret as the prizes are being given on a staggered basis, meaning some will get it earlier than others.

I logged into my account just this afternoon and have gotten the treasures already! I can’t contain my excitement! Do I assume victory and call an arcana or do I brace for disappointment? I want that Phantom Assassin arcana so much, just look at it…

Will I finally strike gold and get you today? (Image courtesy of Dota 2 site)

Will I finally strike gold and get you today? (Image courtesy of Dota 2 site)

Let’s open these bad boys up! I would have wanted to share a video as I open the Treasures but I fear that I might get cursed to the high heavens if I receive an arcana or an ultra rare reward so just take a peek below at what I got…

Ok nevermind. I’ll just cry in the corner…
