Overwatch, Dragon Ball Z, Harley Quinn, and MORE! | A Look into the Cosplay in Fan Expo Canada 2016

Fan Expo is in full swing, and this isn’t you’re normal Halloween party.

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Maybe you were on the subway when you saw the Joker put his arm around Harley Quinn, Spiderman swinging from street pole to street pole, or Batman stood in front of you at Starbucks. Has Toronto gone completely crazy? You check the date on your phone, and it’s too early for Halloween. Then it quickly dawns on you… Fan Expo is in full swing, and this isn’t you’re normal Halloween party.


What makes Fan Expo Canada totally awesome? Well, size matters, but so do the costumes. Bringing in people from all over, cosplayers gather together in one of the biggest crossovers in North America. People wait all year to showcase their latest fan attire with others just as passionate of their fandoms. Every year the costumes get bigger, better, and more creative. From a big group of friends as the cast of Overwatch to an integration of Bobba Fett and Captain America AKA Captain Fett, Fan Expo Canada’s continues to keep that geek spirit alive.