Pokémon GO update is now available! Egg Patterns, Icons, and more! (10-15-16)

A new update of Pokémon GO is now available, check out the new features of the latest update.

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Niantic Labs announces the new update of Pokémon GO for Android (v. 0.43.3) and iOS (1.13.3).


Here are the key features of the update:

    • Professor Willow discovered that Eggs have different patterns depending on the distance required to hatch them.
      • 2KM Eggs: Green colored
      • 5KM Eggs: Orange colored
      • 10KM Eggs: Violet colored
Pokémon Eggs(source: Niantic Labs)

Pokémon Eggs (source: Niantic Labs)

    • This new feature now makes it easy to determine the KM of an egg,


  • Pokémon type icons have been added to the information screen for each Pokémon.
  • Low battery indicator added for the Pokémon GO Plus
  • Minor text fixes


In other news, Niantic Labs also recently announced seasonal Perks and Bonuses for the Halloween, read more about here.

Ready your device now and get the latest version of Pokémon GO (Android 0.43.3 / iOS 1.13.3) via

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Read more about Pokémon GO with our past articles: