Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer is Out!

Red Dead Redemption 2 is really happening! Rockstar Games has been teasing us for days with images floating around the internet and now we have our first full trailer of the game. Check it out here!

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Red Dead Redemption 2 is really happening! Rockstar Games has been teasing us for days with images floating around the interwebs, it all started with way back April with this leaked map shown below, which was later confirmed by Techradar to be legit.



If you look at the map closely in the bottom left corner, you’ll notice the Great Plains area region which is a key area in the original game, as it was home to the Blackwater settlement.

What’s very interesting as well is that if you check the bottom right of the map you will see the city of New Bordeaux (highlighted in green). The city is the backdrop to Mafia 3, which is made by Red Dead publisher Take-Two. Are we looking at some sort of crossover?

And now just days before this post we with this picture posted on Twitter:


Which ultimately led to this image, which gave us a better look at the characters.



And now after months of speculating we now have our first trailer! Watch it below:

Sadly, the trailer still doesn’t exactly give much information about the game. We’ll just have to keep waiting on more trailers to come out as we slowly move towards their launch of Fall 2017. Keep it here in UnGeek for more news about Red Dead Redemption 2!