The Best Thing you’ll want under your Christmas Tree is the PlayStation Ultimate Holiday Pack!

Christmas is just a couple weeks away and we're suuuper hyped for our Holiday goodies - whether bought for or by you. This year though, there's one gift that you might really love to see: THE PLAYSTATION ULTIMATE HOLIDAY PACK!

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Christmas is just a couple weeks away and we’re suuuper hyped for our Holiday goodies – whether bought for or by you. This year though, there’s one gift that you might really love to see: THE PLAYSTATION ULTIMATE HOLIDAY PACK! 



So let’s go through what makes this baby so great that you will want to be on Santa’s NICE list. You get a PlayStation 4 Slim + 2 games that can be enjoyed by children and adults of all ages! Let’s take a closer look. This is what the ULTIMATE Holiday Pack contains:



  • PlayStation 4 Slim (500GB) 
    • Slimmer and lighter PlayStation®4 (PS4™) (CUH-2000 series) computer entertainment system with a 500GB HDD worth PHP17,300.
      • Supports HDR (High-Dynamic Range) imaging technology
      • 28% more energy efficient than previous PS4 models
      • 16% lighter than previous PS4 models
  • 1-Year Extended Warranty
    • Extended warranty service for your PS4™ including original accessories supplied with PS4™ for free. The coverage of this service is same as Terms and Conditions for Regional Warranty. You can visit this site for full text and details of authorized Service Centers.


    • This game is set in a world of blocks that you can manipulate to rebuild and revive the world around you after it’s been destroyed by the evil Dragonlord. A bit Minecraft-y in nature, you can build stuff that you want thereby challenging your creativity 🙂


  • Little Big Planet 3
    • Join Sackboy as he goes on an adventure where he needs to restore balance to the land after releasing the Titans – mythical creatures that aim to ruin the world.


So yes, a PS4 Slim, an extended warranty for it, and 2 awesome games! The bundle is priced at an (SRP) of PHP18,900 and is available in Authorized PlayStation Dealers in the Philippines!


Want one? Well, who knows? Stick around and you might just end up with the PlayStation Ultimate Holiday Pack right under your tree. You never know 😉