Gen 2 Pokémon are Finally Here! Pokémon GO Update is Ready for Download

They're Here: 80 New Gen 2 Monsters Released In 'Pokémon GO'

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo

The update for the Pokémon GO is now available for download via Google Play (0.57.2) and App Store (1.27.2).

Download on the App Store


The update brings Pokémon Gen 2 monsters Here’s our latest catch of Pokémon Gen 2, we got Sentret, Hoothoot, Wooper, Skimploom, Natu, Slugma, Noctowl, and Mamril (recent catch is indicated by the ‘blue background’).


Today’s Catch — Gen 2 Pokémon.


Niantic also announce the 50% off discount promo for the Pokémon Storage from Feb 16- 28 (up to Feb 28 4PM, Philippine Standard Time). Now you can buy Pokémon Storage for only 100 PokéCoins. This would allow you to catch and store 50 more Pokémon!

The latest update also brings 4 more updates with new berries, new evolution, new avatar wardrobe, and new gameplay.

Pokémon GO gets its Biggest Update Ever with 80 New Pokémon and 4 New Features!


Trainers have reported sightings of Ditto via Pokémon Gen 2 . We got ours with Sentret! Sadly, we weren’t able to record our catch, but here’s a video by Jamaican Clasher of her Ditto catch with Hoothoot.

So, who among the Gen 2 Pokémon have you already caught? Share your latest catch via the comment section or tag us via Twitter @UngeekPH with #PokemonGO hashtag.

Happy Hunting!