The Game is Drawing NieR! Watch 29 Minutes of NieR: Automata Awesomeness!

if you ask me, based on the demo alone NieR: Automata, it is shaping up to be one of our most anticipated games this 2017! Check out the video, which empasizes on gameplay mechanics and combat!

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The good people at PlayStation Underground just released a 29 minute gameplay video of NieR: Automata! And if you ask me, based on the demo alone, it is shaping up to be one of our most anticipated games this 2017!  Check out the clip below:


The video emphasizes on the game’s open world as well as some important gameplay elements like it’s level-up system and of course, all that neat combat I was all giggity about.


The game will be available on the PlayStation 4 February 23, 2017.