It’s Time to get a New Laptop! | ASUS ROG offers 24 Month, 0% Interest Deals at PC Express!
If you were ever looking to get a gaming laptop, this is that time!

Yup, it’s time to get a laptop!
ASUS and PC Express are offering a SUPER SWEET DEAL for ALL ASUS / ASUS ROG GAMING NOTEBOOKS! If you were ever looking to get a gaming laptop, this is that time! Check it out!
Here are the quick and easy deets of the deal:
- You need to be a Citibank Card Holder
- You can use this for ANY ASUS ROG or Gaming Notebook
- It gives you 24 months to pay at ZERO Interest!
- It comes with a 24-month Global Guarantee
- Visit any PC Express Store to avail
Want more deets AND ASUS ROG Swag? Check this page out!
It’s. That. SIMPLE. So seriously, it may be time to GAME UP and get that gaming laptop of your dreams 😉 Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to check this out myself! haha