Finally, A Store for the Fashionable / Professional Tabletop Geek! ‘ALTEREGO’ is Now OPEN!

A fusion of Fashion and Fun! Welcome to AlterEgo, the store that caters to both your Geek and your Fashionable / Professional style!

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Let’s face it. Geeks are more complex now. It’s not like how it was in the past where the stereotype geek was simply just some lifeless nerd with zero social skills. Now, you’ll be surprised that geeks come in all shapes, sizes, and statures.   

Felicia Day – Video / Tabletop Gamer and Certified Geek!


Today, you’ll find geeks in the most expected of places and circumstances. Your boss? The CEO of so-and-so company? Your super athletic friend? Your cute officemate? Your super hot crush on TV? They could ALL be geeks just like you! All of you have these two sides to yourselves – a fashionable/serious/professional side and a fun-loving geek side. 🙂 Now, there’s a store that can cater to the needs of both sides of your personalities – the fashionable and the geeky! Welcome to AlterEgo!



AlterEgo is a store that has 2 sides to it – one side that sells fashion items like Bags from Urban Traveller and Tabletop Games from Gaming Library! It’s a beautiful store with an interesting fusion of concepts. Check it out!

AlterEgo – The store with an interesting duality


From Tabletop Games to Fashion…


…and Fashion to Tabletop Gaming


The Fashion / Professional Side

Powered by Urban Traveler, this side of AlterEgo features awesome bags and wallets!


The Tabletop Geek Side

This side is the one powered by Gaming Library! Beautifully displayed boardgames, all ripe for the taking!



AlterEgo is definitely worth checking out especially if you’re a boardgamer! No one entity in the PH has made this big a bet to push boardgames in public retail as AlterEgo currently has the largest collection of boardgames in terms of number of items and number of titles! The games are beautifully displayed and they event have a small play area. Who knows? You may even see some future Tabletop events being held here. 😉

You can visit them at 5th Level Shangri-La Plaza Mall (New Wing) Mandaluyong on the Bridgeway! You can also check them out on their Facebook Page right here!

See you all there, fellow geeks!