THOR: RAGNAROK’s Newest Teaser Trailer is Released and features THE HULK! | Trailer Highlights

Check out the latest trailer for Thor: Ragnarok and, boy oh boy, it's a JUICY trailer at that!

MSI Find Your Perfect Match Promo

Many were waiting for this trailer to be released and we can barely contain our geekgasms as it’s FINALLY HERE upon going live just a few hours ago! Check out the latest trailer for Thor: Ragnarok and, boy oh boy, it’s a JUICY trailer at that!


Just when you thought that this trailer couldn’t get any juicier, the Hulk… the mother freakin INCREDIBLE HULK smashes his way into the trailer sending us all in a geeky fan frenzy!

Okay but before I we let our emotions get the best of us, let’s try to take a look at some of the most of awesome / notable parts of this latest trailer.


The first WTF MOMENT of the trailer was this – Hela catches and SHATTERS Mjollnir… WAT!


Then, just a bit after that… we see Asgard burning down to the ground. WAT! I mean, yeah, it makes sense because Ragnarok is the end of the world so Asgard falling does fit in the thematic BUT STILL… WAAAAT?!


After a few more scenes, we see Thor with a new haircut and some new armor! Looking great there, Thor!


Then last but CERTAINLY NOT THE LEAST WTF Moment in this trailer was the HULK! He gets into a fight with Thor and the scene just CUTS, leaving us with the question of “Who will win in that fight???”


We’re super hyped for the movie now! How about you? Share you thoughts about the trailer in the comments!

We’ll be keeping watch for more Thor: Ragnarok news and updates! Til next time, everyone! Also check out the awesome new poster revealed below!