5 Top Reasons to Headover to Toycon 2017 Today

In case you didn’t know, Toycon, the long-running Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectible Convention opens today (June 30) and runs till Sunday evening (July 2). Occupying all 4 halls of the SMX Convention Center, Toycon 2017 is poised to be one helluva convention with international Hollywood stars coming in, YouTube personalities, Geeky side activities and, ... 5 Top Reasons to Headover to Toycon 2017 Today

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In case you didn’t know, Toycon, the long-running Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectible Convention opens today (June 30) and runs till Sunday evening (July 2). Occupying all 4 halls of the SMX Convention Center, Toycon 2017 is poised to be one helluva convention with international Hollywood stars coming in, YouTube personalities, Geeky side activities and, of course, lots and lots of toys to buy!

With the myriad of activities happening all at the same time, we’ve narrowed down our top 5 key points of interest in Toycon 2017!

1. Karen Fukuhara

Known for her debut bigscreen role as Tatsu Yamashiro aka Katana in 2016’s lackluster Suicide Squad movie. While the movie was total trash, Karen’s portrayal of Tatsu/ Katana was (forgive the pun) on-point. Brooding, cold, merciless but would slip instances of internal turmoil and vulnerability, Karen’s Katana is one of the few good things about Suicide Squad.

Karen is joined by other International celebrities like Kevin Mcnally (Pirates of the Carribean), Cas Anvar (voicedAltaïr ibn-La’Ahad in Assassin’s Creed Revelations), and a whole lot more.

2. Toy Exclusives

What would Toycon be without toys, right? So expect your favorite toy stalls serve up various exclusive deals. Get your wallets (and your bank accounts) ready and prepare to fork in your life savings and possibly your kidneys as well.  If you want some cheap but admirable fun thrills, drop by Long Live Plays booth and grab yourselves some Genji Spinners and other geeky goodies. 😀

They’re also slashing 10% off on all their wares during Toycon. 😀

3. Cosplay

Image lifted from Toycon Official Page

The best cosplayers around the nation will be flocking towards SMX Convention Center as the World Cosplay Summit Philippines hold their championship finals during Toycon 2017. This is when the best of the best fight for the chance to represent the country in the World Cosplay Summit in Japan by the end of July.


4. Boardgame Lounge

A 50-60 seater boardgame lounge for those too tired to keep walking around the convention? Game! As previously reported, Gaming Library is setting up camp at the SMX Convention Hall lobby. Even if you don’t have a game with you, you can opt to stay in the lounge and play one of the 100+ games they have on the booth. If you like it that much you may purchase fresh copies right there and then. There are ton of activities inside the lounge to keep you entertained while you rest your tired little feet. Check our previous article for more details.

5. Rita Repulsa

Did we tell you that Rita Repulsa will be at Toycon 2017? Not Emily Banks, the one from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series days! 😀 Carla Perez, the Rita that took over Machiko Soga will be gracing our shores. Expect her to blurt out signature Rita lines and, who knows, maybe she has her own entourage of Putty Patrollers dancing and dangling about. blblblblblblblblbblbl