PERSONA-lize your Mobile Phone | Persona 5 Theme and IM App
PERSONA-lize your mobile phone experience with this awesome Persona 5 Theme and Instant Messaging App!

Persona 5 is nothing short of an amazing game and, when you’re playing such an awesome game, it’s understandable that you want to experience more of it in various other ways. Today, you can PERSONA-lize your mobile phone experience with this awesome Persona 5 Theme and Instant Messaging App!
Persona 5 IM App
In a previous article, we mentioned that a Fan-Made Persona 5 SMS app was in the works. We’re happy to announce that IT’S FINALLY OUT! It’s easy to install and it simply looks amazing – just like the in-game app they use. Want it? Just go to Google Play and search for “PERSONA 5 IM APP”. You might have to scroll down a bit though.
Admittedly, this is just the very first version so it’s not really optimal yet. The experience differs from user to user depending on what phone you have but feel free to check it out for yourself… just because it looks so stylish. Special thanks to the creator Nick AKA AlfredBulbasaur. The guy is offering the app completely for free however he is open to donations so if you wanna show your support, feel free to do so 🙂
Persona 5 Mobile Phone Theme
Aww yiss! Look at that! It’s a cool fan-made Persona 5 theme that is based off the Confidant theme in the game. Yes, you’ll be able to choose which confidant / arcana will be featured for your theme.
However, this isn’t as easy to install like the Persona 5 IM App. This will take a bit of a process but, luckily enough, the creator of this theme (YouTube User ShrineFox) made an instructional video detailing a step-by-step process on how it’s done. He also has placed links on the description of the YouTube Video. Check it out below. Once again, be forewarned that the experience may not be the same for everyone and will depend on your phone.
And just like that, you have PERSONA-lized your phone into one that’s worthy of the Phantom Thieves! Enjoy!
If you know of any other ways to further Persona-lize your phone, let us know in the comments below!