Sleeper hit and highly-acclaimed movie “In this Corner of the World” opens in Philippine cinemas on June 28!

Anime invasion!

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There’s a little known film that when it initially opened in 63 theaters in Japan, eventually played in 195 screens and has so far reached more than US$ 19 million in box-office receipts in Japan alone! In a few weeks, we will get to witness what’s being called a sleeper hit as local cinemas will start showing the highly acclaimed film “In This Corner of the World” on June 28!

A coming-of-age story, In this Corner of the World is based on the original Manga by Fumiyo Kōno set during World War II where a young bride named Suzu Urano moves to a new town to live with her new family in Kure.  All starts well after her marriage but the war against the US brings dark clouds that would soon cover Suzu’s corner of the world.   After marrying Shuusaku Houjou—a young clerk who works at the local naval base, Suzu becomes essential to the running of the household and creatively prepares meals during the tough wartime conditions while also carrying out daily housework. In 1945, intense bombings by the U.S. military finally reach Kure with devastating effect to the townsfolk and their way of life.  Suzu’s life is changed irrevocably, but through perseverance and courage, she manages to continue to live life to the fullest.

The movie has also amassed a slate of high-profile local awards including the 40th Japan Academy Award for Best Animation Award, the 90th Kinema Junpo Best Ten Japan Film Best 1 and Director Award, 71st Mainichi Film Concurs Japanese Movie Excellence Award and Ofuji Nobushiro Prize, 59th Blue Ribbon Award Director Award, Hiroshima Peace Film Award during the 3rd Hiroshima International Film Festival, and the Best Film during the 38th Yokohama Film Festival.

A deeply moving story, “In this Corner of the World” is presented by Rafaella Films and distributed by Axinite Digicinema and will open in cinemas nationwide on June 28!