It All Begins Here! | Raxxon Review Part 1: Introduction and Unboxing
Are you up for the challenge? Take on the role of a city leader and join Raxxon’s cause in stopping the Zombie Apocalypse! Take a look at what's inside the EVAC KIT.

My curiosity has led me to this moment *cough cough. The good (and healthy) people over at Gaming Library trusted me with an advanced copy of Plaid Hat’s top secret game called Raxxon.
As much as I am excited to try out a new game, I recently found out that only a select few copies (50 to be exact) was dispersed globally. So obviously the gamer in me can’t contain the excitement. So without further ado here’s part 1 of my review, where I give a brief intro and show you ALL the components found in the box!
Welcome to Raxxon Pharmaceuticals!
The infected have breached your city and are spreading at an alarming rate! You and your team of up to 4 players take on the role of city leaders who are tasked with evacuating the city before it gets completely overrun. Resources are scarce but luckily, Raxxon Pharmaceuticals is there to help.
Always remember that Raxxon cares for us. Raxxon saves lives. Raxxon is good.
Objective of the Game
In this fully cooperative game there is only one way to win, players work as a team and try to evacuate 30 “healthy” people (20 in the introductory scenario) out of the city. You lose in 2 possible ways: either you run out of cards to draw from the infection supply OR Raxxon’s power track reaches 8.
Wait… I thought that Raxxon…(hard banging sound)
The box size surprisingly is small (think Elder Sign-sized). The “evacuation kit” that we got is almost all black with the word RaXXon printed on it. Simple and elegant. I like it.
Here’s what you get inside the Evac Kit:
1 game board
60 population cards
40 Raxxon cards
60 action tokens
6 character sheets
1 Raxxon token (To keep track of Raxxon’s power level)
1 Rulebook
They even included 2 exclusive characters that you can use in Dead of Winter. They also come with their own set of character cards, standees and crossroad scenario cards. Sweet.
Components-wise, this is your standard Plaid Hat Games quality type of stuff. The board and card stock feels similar to Dead of Winter. Even the color scheme matches the game previously mentioned.
This ends part 1 of our ongoing look at Raxxon. Join us in Part 2 soon as we discuss Setup and Gameplay!
Interested in getting your hands first on the game? Luckily Gaming Library has got you covered! Join their recruitment drive and become a team leader for the upcoming zombie apocalypse! But be quick! As of this post you have roughly 24 HOURS left until the deadline!
Here’s the mechanics:
- Make a “Zombie Survival Starter Pack Meme” to tell us what four things you would take with you to survive the zombie apocalypse. Be as creative, as funny, or as serious as you want. You can use the “Starter Pack Meme Generator” via this link to make one quickly.
- Send your application by publicly posting the game on your Facebook wall, and tagging the Gaming Library Facebook Page. We need you to tag our page, so your application is received.
- We need Raxxon Pharmaceuticals to approve this too, so please tag Plaid Hat Games in your post, with the hashtag #TeamGLRaxxon
- When you post your meme-application, please also explain WHY you deserve to be chosen. You may end your post with either #TrustRaxxon or #BurnRaxxon
- In less than 48 hours, Raxxon Pharma will call us for the names of the three Team Leaders. We will pick the number one best meme-application that shows they are truly ready for the Zombie Apocalypse. Then we will pick two others randomly.
- All three team leaders will be contected by raxxon Pharmaceuticals immediately, and given access to get their own Evac Kit. As a bonus, the number one best meme application will have their Evac Kit paid for by Gaming Library and shipped immediately to them within 2-3 days, at no expense. This is so Raxxon can get the Evac kits out faster to contain the spread of the virus.
- This recruitment of Evac Team Leaders is only open to residents of the Philippines. We need to build the Philippine defenses!