Spielberg’s Ready Player One Trailer is brimming with Geeky Pop-Culture References

Oh, we're ready. We're ready!

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Eight. That’s how many Geeky Pop-Culture icons and references we identified in the reveal trailer of Steven Spielberg’s adaptation of one of the nerdiest (and totally a must read for all geeks) books of the past decade, Ready Player One.

This trailer is a true celebration of gaming and geek-culture and it just blew our minds how many references were lodged in this small amount of clip.


Let’s see if you were able to track all of the things we saw.

Right off the bat (pun-intended) we have Harley Quinn and Deathstroke coming out of probably the best Futuristic Cosplay Party we’ve seen.

Obviously not cosplay, but you get the idea


Then we’re greeted by this gigantic fellow (not gonna lie, I squealed a bit when I saw the Iron Giant there. If you haven’t seen the genius of an animated movie, please do). We’re not sure who he’s with, though. Any guesses?

Then we get to the part where we have iconic characters battling each other out. Freddy Krueger, anyone? What about good ol’ Duke Nukem?! Can this trailer get better? Why yes, they can.

Krueger with the claws, Nukem with the Bazooka

Enter a couple of cool iconic ride from 80’s to 90’s movies and anime.

Stephen King’s Bright Red Killer, Christine (top right)

Mad Max, anyone?

Blaze through 1.21 Jiggawatt of pure nerd entertainment!

BRB changing pants.


I’m sure the actual film will have a gajillion of other cameos and Easter Eggs considering the actual source material is full of video games and pop-culture references that plays into the narrative. I’m also sure we missed a couple of references so if you find more please do let us know!

Ready Player One is slated for a March 2018 release. Is your body ready? Cause this is pretty much our reaction: