Giordano wants you to Volt-In and celebrate 40 years of Super Robot Goodness!
Let's. Volt. IN!!!!!! Tanantantanan-tantan...

Everyone who lived during the late 80’s to early 90’s know the song, heck, I’m pretty sure a handful of young bloods could still recognize the catchy refrain “BORUTESU FAIBU ni subete wo kakete/ Yaruzo chikara no tsukiru made/ Chikyuu no yoake ha/ mou chikai.”
The highly popular, and somewhat controversial, Japanese anime series Voltes V hits its 40th mark and Giordano is helping you celebrate it with its latest collaboration.
A couple of weeks back, Giordano transformed one part of the Glorietta activity center into an amalgam of all things Voltes V. Highlighting our 5 heroes and their attributes, they crafted various activities to suit their individual characteristics (i.e. Mark’s booth is about you trying to hold on for dear life onto a mechanical raging bull and Jamie’s area is a mini Ninja academy relay).
Speaking of highlighting, the main attraction, of course, is the actual clothing collection.
With a slew of designs to choose from, there’s a Voltes V apparel for you!
Do hurry, though as stocks are extremely limited and as far as I know these will be on display for a limited time as well.
Drop by your favorite Giordano stores and check these out and/or you may check their Official Page and Social Media out for more details.