Check Out The Free PlayStation Plus Asia Games Lineup for September!
Now's your chance to get inFAMOUS: Second Son for FREE!

For those who haven’t tried Infamous: Second Son, now is your chance to get it for free! Check out the lineup of free games this September!
Do note that to get the titles listed you need to have an active Asia (Region 3) PlayStation Plus account.
- inFAMOUS Second Son (PlayStation 4)
- BOUND: Shattered Kingdom (PlayStation 4)
- DEEMO~ The Last Recital~ (PS Vita)
- RIGS Mechanized Combat League (PS4 / PSVR)
- Tokyo Jungle (PlayStation 3)
- Exclusive Toro September 2017 Theme
You can download the games starting September 7, make sure to grab them as the promo ends on October 4, 2017