Ever wanted a lightsaber? Well you’re just in luck because this is the promo you’ve been looking for!

May the force be with you!

Tekken 8 Weekend Deal

Luke Skywalker and the other Jedi’s are not the only ones who should be able to wield lightsabers! These toys were only a dream for most geeks out there but recently, there have been a ton of ways to import your very own replica. For me, replicas won’t do as I’d want to fully experience the thrill and fun of recreating lightsaber battles with my buddies! Enter Saber Source, a local based retailer that not only sells “battle ready” units but allows for customization as well! Our recent run in with them over at APCC was an up close and personal experience with a life sized saber and not only were we impressed with the build quality, WE WANT ONE AS WELL!

If you’ve ever dreamed of finally owning one, then now is your chance because Saber Source, in partnership with Sabertrio and Abubot have an ongoing promo right now, check out the details below!

The full mechanics are as follows:

1.) The program is open to orders delivered within the Philippines only.
2.) For every one (1) unit order of a Skylar saber, of any edition or configuration with a blade, the buyer gets one (1) raffle entry.
3.) Orders must be placed through Abubot.ph
4.) Deadline of ordering to be able to qualify for the raffle is on September 30, 2017 at 11:59PM.
5.) We have to have a minimum of ten (10) orders in total before the promo will activate. So please share and encourage people to purchase the Sabertrio Skylar illuminated saber! Should we not reach the minimum of 10 orders, we will still proceed with delivery but the raffle will not push through.

So what are you waiting for? Who knows, you might just be the next Jedi in training with these awesome lightsabers from Saber Source!