The Tokyo Game Show 2017 Cosplay Scene Lives Up to Our Expectations! | TGS 2017
The cosplay scene at Tokyo Game Show 2017 is certainly a sight to behold!

This weekend, the halls of Makuhari Messe plays host to the one and only Tokyo Game Show, and amid the multitude of gaming updates that flooded our news feeds come colorful cosplayers from all over! But being the land of anime and manga, Japan has quite the reputation to live up to. Is the Japanese cosplay scene all it’s supposed to be? Let’s find out!
Days 1 and 2 of TGS were geared more towards the media and business side of things, but that did not stop the cosplay from coming! There were colorful outfits from all sorts of franchises, from the perennial favorites like Final Fantasy to the more recent ones like NekoPara. Here are some of our favorites from the first two days of TGS!
Days 3 and 4 were the public admission days, and those gave us a deluge of cosplayers from all over! The fans brought their A-game to the event and you can certainly see that with their skilled craftsmanship and their spot-on portrayal of our beloved characters! Just take a look at our noteworthy finds below!
Of course, that’s only scratching at the surface of the amazing cosplays that we saw at Tokyo Game Show. There’s a lot more awesomeness packed in the 4-day event that words fail to describe it! Check it out for yourself in this gallery we put together!
With all of these superb artisan-level works of art and the undeniable passion of the cosplayers, you may ask – what’s our verdict? We say – the Tokyo Game Show cosplay scene definitely lived up to the hype! Without a doubt, TGS proved that Japan is a force to be reckoned within the cosplay world! We can’t wait to see what next year’s TGS will be bringing us!