Turn on your child-lock. The latest Punisher Trailer is out

Safety first guys cause Frank is back, guns blazing and all.

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A classic story about loss and vengeance in today’s modern society. No wait, this is the Punisher right? He literally goes above and beyond simple vengeance and vigilantism. Well S#;&!!
Check out the first official trailer for the Netflix Original Series Marvel’s The Punisher:


Jon Bernthal reprises his role of Frank Castle who previously depicted the comic book caracter The Punisher in Season Two of Daredevil.

The trailer is a grimm and violent spectacle on how the Punisher gets things done. With the awesome background music being played which is Metallica’s “One”, Frank continues his search for his family’s killers but the plot thickens! Frank uncovers a conspiracy within New York’s criminal underworld.

Homeland, FBI, & the CIA are all part of a plot to silence him for his involvement in a covert operation back when Frank was still in service. It also looks like he paired up with some conspiracy theorist hacker person? Although the trailer ends with a scrambled release date, however it does indicate that it will be coming out this year.

Word of advice, put your kids to bed early. ^_^