Watch the Unicorn Gundam Statue in Japan Transform in this Field Test Video!

I want to go to Japan right the Jigoku NOW!

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I want to go to Japan right the Jigoku NOW!

Late last month, we spilled some interesting new developments on the 1/1-scale RX-0 Unicorn Gundam to be unveiled in Odaiba, here’s an even better follow up… You can now watch the mecha transform from “Unicorn mode” to “Destroy mode” in this set of field test videos (see below) caught by one visitor who just so happens to be one at the right place at the right time. Lucky guy.


Here we see how the lights go out. Also, check out the several hatches closing from the shoulders, waist and knee:


Excited? The official Gundam unveiling will be this coming September! Here’s the details below:

Opening date: 2017 Sunday, September 24

Address: 1-1-10 Aoyama, Koto Ward, Tokyo Diversity Tokyo Plaza Festival Square


Thanks to Hachima Kikō’s blog page and @yoshi115t at Twitter for the images and videos!

Related: Japan has a new Defender. Unicorn Gundam Statue Debuts September 24!