Play as much as you want! PlayStation Asia’s Play Everything lands at SM North EDSA until Oct 8!
Play all the new games all day, everyday!

The concept is simple, as gaming is supposedly is, Sony PlayStation – the video game giant that has taken the world by storm—will setup a gaming area for people to try out new (and some unreleased) games. That’s pretty much what is currently happening at SM North Edsa 4th Level Annex Building with where a giant Sony PlayStation installation is in place for anyone to try out a selection of new games headed our way. Started in Singapore, PlayStation Asia (SIES) chose the Philippines as its second destination in this regional Play Everything tour.
Be one of the first to try out Bandai-Namco’s super fun family rhythm game, Taiko no Tatsujin where you and your friends can beat a Sony PlayStation Taiko drum peripheral to the tune of popular Japanese pop tracks like key songs from Evangelion, Kimi No Na Wa (Zen zen zense) and Frozen (you will lose your weabsh*t when they start singing Let it Go in Japanese)!
If that’s not your thing, how about some NBA 2K18
Or earn your racing stripes and strap on the amazing Gran Turismo Sport rigs and try the game out before anyone else!
There are more games sprawled across the massive play area as well like Crash Bandicoot Nsane Trilogy, Loco Roco, Just Dance 2017 and Knack II for you to sink your gaming teeth into.
And, if you’ve never had the pleasure of experiencing the immersive world of Virtual Reality, there are PlayStation VR units up for testing. Heck, if you’ve ever wanted to get a PSVR now is the time to do so. Aside from play testing the games, Play Everything has a bunch of really good sale happening with one of them being the VR with a steep price drop from Php 21, 995k to Php 14,995!
If you think it ends there, there’s actually more daily activities happening and a bunch of giveways up for grabs like these two:
Not to mention the chance to pre-purchase these highly limited-edition PlayStation designed New Era caps. The Classic White (harks back to PS1 days) is pretty wild! The grey one is exquisitely classy as well. The caps price ranges from around 1800 to 2000 pesos. Not bad for limited-edition and officially licensed material merch.
Play Everything ends on Oct 8 so you have a couple more days to enjoy the setup.