Pre-Registration has begun for Mobile Game ‘The Alchemist Code’!
Get ahead of everyone else via pre-registration!

Gumi Inc. has launched its worldwide pre-registration for their upcoming epic mobile strategy RPG, The Alchemist Code right here. To celebrate the launch of the pre-reg, players can also download exclusive The Alchemist Code collectibles from Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store.
Pre-registered players who perform their daily logins and missions will receive Play Tickets that can be used to contribute to the pre-reg Milestone Campaign Rewards which, in turn, can be used unlock helpful in-game items that will be available to all players at launch.
The pre-reg website gives us a sneak peek behind the world of The Alchemist Code and lets us find out more about the the key characters from the lore:
- Logi, a squire of the Blue Flame Guard, the most powerful knight faction of Envylia. Driven by a strong sense of justice, he perseveres through what he believes is right and trains hard daily as he wishes to fulfill his childhood promise to Dias and Agatha — to create a world where people can live in happiness.
- Dias, a squire of the Blue Flame Guard. Well composed, and sometimes even cold-hearted, he wishes for a world without classes, where everyone can live happily. He believes this to be unattainable without gaining ultimate power.
- Agatha, a nun from an Envylian convent who cares deeply about her childhood companions, Logi and Dias, and behaves like their older sister.
- Ouroboros, a mysterious girl who appears before the Door of Truth. Calling herself the Observer of Destiny, her objectives and true identity are unknown.
As a Final Fantasy Tactics Fan, I am over-the-top excited about this! Heck, both Logi and Dias kinda remind me of Ramza and Delita. Check out some of the in-game screenshots below.
The Alchemist Code will be available to download for free on both iOS and Android platforms on the game’s global release.