This ain’t your typical doomsday movie! Save the world as Geostorm hits cinemas today!

Gerard Butler does it again!

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Sometimes, there are things that you just leave alone – A broken heart, a newly cooked steam, Mother Nature. Playing God isn’t without its consequences and if you think you’ve got it all figured out, well then think again because you wouldn’t want to cause a Geostorm, the next big movie from Gerard Butler!

After an unprecedented series of natural disasters had threatened the planet, the world’s leaders came together to create an intricate network of satellites — dubbed Dutch Boy — to control the global climate and keep everyone safe. Gerard Butler stars as Jake Lawson, the scientist who built the system to protect the Earth, is on a race against the clock to uncover the real threat behind the satellite malfunction before a worldwide Geostorm wipes out everything. It’s a pretty cool premise if I might say so myself and honestly, I went into the film thinking it would be another Armageddon or Deep Impact wannabe but the film surprised me and I was pretty entertained for the duration of the screening!

Apart from telling you what you may already know (CG was great, lots of cities get absolutely wrecked, etc), I’m here to tell you to give the film a chance. A confession from me – I thought the film was pretty lousy when I first saw the trailer. I kind of dismissed it and part of me really wanted to stay loyal to Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck’s heroics during Armageddon. Geostorm, while working under the same doomsday category, actually has more to the story than meets the eye. Sure it won’t win any awards or break records but I sure as hell enjoyed the film EXCEPT FOR 1 SCENE which I won’t spoil for you, I’ll simply tell you that my expectation about it was shattered into a million pieces.

That said, if you’re not the squeamish type, then you should definitely watch this movie in a 4dx capable cinema as this is one of the few films actually built for that experience. You’ll be sure to feel every tumble, breeze, and whirl as if you were actually in the scene and that made it all the more enjoyable.

Catch Geostorm as it opens in cinemas today, October 12, brought to us by Warner Bros.! And if you want to hear Gerard Butler say “Kumusta”, check out the video below as he invites his Filipino fans to watch Geostorm!