Need More Data for Mobile Gaming? SMART Prepaid Gametime Has You Covered!
These sweet packages will solve your mobile gaming data issues!

Ahhh mobile games… gotta love em. They give us hours and hours (well, until our battery dies at least) of enjoyment and have allowed us to pass many what-would-have-been boring moments with ease. However, DATA does become a limitation to this enjoyment… and when wifi isn’t an option, this limitation is sometimes heartbreaking.

When you’re gaming and data runs out
Well, if you’re a SMART Prepaid user then HUZZAH! We’ve got some good news for you! There’s a promo now called SMART Prepaid Gametime! Gametime gives you a 300MB allocation PER DAY. 300 of them sweet sweet MBs that you can use for your favorite games like Mobile Legends, Everwing, Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Arena of Valor! The connection uses Smart’s LTE network which promises fast game play with no buffer times making each moment of your mobile gaming experience enjoyable!
Each time you avail of a Gametime package, you also get Battle Tickets for Mobile Legends as a bonus! So not only do you have the data allocation but you’ll also get some sweet tickets to use for buying heroes and more in Mobile Legends!
Check out the SMART Prepaid Gametime packages!
For more deets, check out their site! Enjoy the gaming! 😉