Final Beta Test for Monster Hunter: World Hits January 19, New Free DLC Announced

Adds a brand-new 4th quest. First free DLC also revealed!

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The wait will soon be over!

During the special Monster Hunter: World broadcast, Capcom just announced that their upcoming game will have a third and final beta testing for the PlayStation 4 this January 19, 2018. Take a look at the schedules above:


Not only will we get the original 3 hunting quests that was introduced in the previous beta, this time around fans will be able to get up close and personal with the flagship monster himself… The Nergigante!

Aside from this being one heck of a hunt for the players, it is also said that the quest time will be reduced to 15 minutes… So better to group up and be fast about it!


And that’s not all folks! A favorite big baddie returns!(well depends how you look at it, some hunters shiver at the thought of this beast). Take a look at the video below:


The mean and nasty Deviljho will make his mark on Monster Hunter: World as a FREE post launch content coming this spring, so expect it to drop around March this year.

The game lashes out it awesomeness on January 29, 2018 on the PlayStation 4.


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