Shoot photos from your ZenFone like a Pro with ASUS’ PixelMaster Classes Starting This June
I'm ready for my close-up...

There’s mobile photography and then there’s MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHY wherein the latter just makes you pause and muse how a device that can fit in your pocket can create works of art that can be blown up and printed with ridiculous clarity and perfection.
Welcome to the ASUS PixelMaster Class, a class exclusively for ZenFone users to join and hone their skills (and love) for mobile photography. What started out as a battle cry of “We Love Photo” on their ZenFone 4 line transcends into an effort to cultivate and promulgate the mobile photography community. We’ve seen efforts of ASUS to really champion mobile photography with various photowalk seminars in the past and tapping key photographers to share tips, insights and inspire people to explore the world of photography, but this is the first time the brand created a thorough mobile photography class series for its ZenFone fans.
With the advent of ZenFone 5, ASUS’ new smartphone line that utilizes the new Ai-powered cameras, the timing is just ripe for the brand to launch their PixelMaster series in full.
The PixelMaster is a once-a-month free mobile photography seminar with top industry experts where they will immerse you in maximizing your ZenFone and expanding your love for photography. Unlike other photowalks where people just shoot freehand, the PixelMaster actually teaches you useful tips and skills in Portrait, Landscape, Travel, Street and other Photography forms. The chosen instructor may critique your work as well, so you can really take home something after the day-long session.
This program runs for 9-months and will kick-off with Mr. Ken Go in June for portraiture and Mr. Emir Bautista on July for Weddings & Event photography. The rest of the PixelMasters were revealed during the kick-off event at Artsy Café last May 16. And the Photographers that will be your mentors aside from Mr. Go and Mr. Bautista are Landscape Photographers Nicco Valenzuela and Ms. Arlene Donaire, Street Photographers Jay Ermitano and Jasper Tejano, Food and Generalist Photographer Ricky Ladia and Portraiture and Generalist Photographer Ms. Dail Deri.
These people took considerable amount of time tinkering and pushing the ZenFone 5’s camera to its limits and were able to create wonderfully artistic shots like the one above and this stunning landscape photograph by Ms. Arlene Donaire.
So imagine what a workshop with these experts can do for your mobile photography skill! If you need more info or want to sign up, just head over to the PixelMaster’s official site HERE.