Seagate Philippines urges buyers to Be W.I.S.E.R. with their Hard Drive purchase
Handle your data better. Be W.I.S.E.R.
Seagate, the data storage and recovery experts, are rolling a campaign for customers to Be W.I.S.E.R. with their Hard Drive purchases. Be W.I.S.E.R. is a loose acronym which means: Warranty, In-depth Service, Support, End-user promo, and Recovery.
It’s a hard acronym to swallow, I’ll give you that, but it does embody the benefits of one getting a brand new hard drive from a reputable store. The Be W.I.S.E.R. campaign by Seagate Ph aims to inform the general public that stores with logos like that can be trusted to carry authentic Seagate products which will in turn give you the benefit of having an authentic, brand-new product from Seagate.
Apparently in the Philippines, there is a growing market of refurbished, 2nd-hand Hard drives from grey-market sellers that may put your data at risk. So the Be W.I.S.E.R. campaign comes at an opportune time for Seagate and for their partners to properly educate the buying public.
Aside from the physical warranties provided by Seagate, some of their drives come with Data Recovery warranties as well as Seagate has their own proprietary laboratory just for end-user data recovery. And with programs such as the Acer Free Data Transfer promotion held a while back, we can definitely understand how Seagate is very particular about people’s data. It’s not just a matter of selling pieces of hardware with them but rather, how to ensure that your files are protected and stored properly.
For more on Seagate’s data recovery service, you can check THIS PAGE OUT and for more on Seagate and their efforts for data storage in the Philippines, you may want to follow them on SOCIAL MEDIA.