Here’s what we are looking forward to seeing at San Diego Comic Con 2018
In case you haven’t heard, San Diego Comic Con is just around the corner. If you’re not in the know, San Diego Comic Con, or SDCC for short, is one of the original US comic conventions that has become the focal point for the world of comics conventions itself. It’s also where most comic movie ... Here’s what we are looking forward to seeing at San Diego Comic Con 2018

In case you haven’t heard, San Diego Comic Con is just around the corner. If you’re not in the know, San Diego Comic Con, or SDCC for short, is one of the original US comic conventions that has become the focal point for the world of comics conventions itself. It’s also where most comic movie related reveals are debuted along with a slew of other activities and exclusive merchandise! Here are a few things we here at UNGEEK are looking forward to seeing come out of SDCC 2018:
– Aquaman Trailer Debut
– Wonder Woman 2 teaser
– SHAZAM! Possibly a trailer or at the very least a first-look clip
– Star Trek Discovery Season 2 possible teaser/trailer
– Glass trailer, director M. Night Shyamalan’s followup to both Unbreakable and Split
– And much more!
Regarding Aquaman, UNGEEK was lucky enough to catch Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett, Star Wars Episode II & Episode III) at Silicon Valley Comic Con where he detailed his involvement in the movie. SPOILER ALERT, don’t read further if you don’t want some Aquaman spoilers: Temuera plays a Thomas Curry, the father of Aquaman. Apparently, Queen Atlanna, played by none other than the beautiful Nicole Kidman, washes ashore by the Lighthouse where Temuera’s character Thomas Curry is at (Thomas Curry is a Lighthouse Keeper). Without giving too much away, Temuera and Nicole Kidman’s characters spend some time together and later on Aquaman is born. Suffice it to say, it feels like the movie was a lot of fun to shoot from Temuera’s reaction and who could blame him, who wouldn’t want to star opposite Nicole Kidman! UNGEEK was able to get a video excerpt of Teumeura talking Aquaman at Silicon Valley Comic Con (SVCC) this year, see below:
Aquaman is set to be released December 21, 2018 in the USA.
And as if we didn’t have any more to share, last year we were also lucky enough to attend Zachary Levi’s (Chuck, Fandral of Thor the Dark World) Q&A panel at the Heroes and Villains FanFest (HVFF) in San Jose, CA. Zachary Levi plays SHAZAM! which is about a young boy who secretly becomes a grown up super hero by saying a magic word. Zachary Levi provides a short but sweet description of what the movie is all about: “It’s the (Tom Hanks) Movie BIG but with super powers”. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Also, the movie looks to be shaping up a great cast including Djimon Hounsou cast as the Wizard who gives young Billy Batson (Asher Angel) Powers. Hounsou also played Kree mercenary Korath the Pursuer in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and will be reprising the role in next year’s Captain Marvel (yes, the Marvel flick). There’s also Mark Strong (Kingsmen: The Golden Circle, Kingsmen: The Secret Service) who plays the villain of the movie, Dr. Thaddeus Sivana. UNGEEK was able to get a video excerpt of Zachary talking SHAZAM at the last HVFF, see below:
SDCC will begin this week on Thursday July 18th to Friday July 22nd. UNGEEK will be at SDCC in San Deigo so watch out for updates from the convention here!