Sword Art Online Turns 5! Celebrates with lots of New Announcements!

Happy Birthday Sword Art Online!

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For Sword Art Online, Tokyo Game Show marked a milestone. The Sword Art Online Series turns 5 years old! To celebrate, we got a few goodies coming up! 


Here are the announcements:

  • First, the new expansions Sword Art Online: Fatal BulletDissonance of the Nexus will launch for Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC (Steam) with the inclusion of a long waited, fan favourite character that will finally be a playable character in the Dissonance of Nexus expansion pack. Who could it be!?
  • Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Compete Edition will also be available for Playstation 4, Xbox One, and STEAM. In this edition, it combines the base game with all of its expansions which accumulate to hundreds of hours a juicy gameplay.
  • Sword Art Online: Lost Song will be available for STEAM soon.
  • And lastly, the series will also be heading to the Nintendo Switch as well! Look out for Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition and Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Complete Edition because they are coming out very soon!

What a way to celebrate this amazing series’ birthday!