Types of Lines you use to get your loved ones to buy you a Phone for the Holidays

Tis definitely the Season!

Tekken 8 Weekend Deal

It’s indeed the most wonderful time of the year! That magical time when you can get the stuff you really want… for FREE as gifts! But of course, that’s usually a random thing. Well, there ARE ways to increase your odds and, sometimes, it’s just a matter of approach.


  • The Logical Approach
    • Sometimes, it’s all about packaging the purchase of a phone for you to be one of the best things they can do! Mention how you’ll use it to further your studies, how you really need one now because it’s just practical at this point, etc. Reason it so that they’ll just go… “huh, that makes sense”.
    • Examples
      • “Ma, I think there are just so many apps that I can learn from and should help with my education!”
      • “It would be very useful for you as well to keep tabs on where I am!”
  • The Woe-Is-Me Approach
    • Oh sigh… woe is me… IF ONLY someone would give me a phone… Yup, it IS a method that works. Express your frustration about your current situation and bring up how this gift would just turn everything around for you. They have the power to help YOU!
    • Examples
      • “My current phone is almost unusable! I really wish SOMEONE could get me a phone this Christmas.”
      • “It’d be so bad to start the new year with a barely functioning phone… but what can I do?”
  • The Santa Approach
    • This approach is best used when you want to just give Santa the burden of getting the gift for you. When it doubt, leave it to ol’ St. Nick!
    • Example
      • “You know, ma, I know we’re having a bit of a rough patch… but maybe Santa can get me a new phone!”
  • The Guilt Approach
    • Well, this is a bit of a dirty approach but you can’t argue with its effectiveness. This is the part where you play the victim and dig up all the previous offenses to you in hopes that the person you’re talking to will cave into your request out of guilt. Add sarcasm to taste.
    • Examples
      • <To significant other> “Wow, that phone is so nice. I really wish I could get one for myself. But I cant so oh well… I mean, It’s not like birthday which you forgot. At least, Christmas is a day no one can forget, right??
      • <To significant other> “It’s so cute! Friend A got his girlfriend a new phone! Exactly the one I wanted! It’s no wonder they’ve lasted this long! I envy a relationship like theirs 
  • The PERFECT TIME Approach
    • Then you have the reasoning that now is just THE PERFECT TIME for them to get you this gift! And it could be a combination of circumstances!
    • Example:
      • “It’s Christmas! My birthday just finished also! I got good grades this semester! OH AND THERE’S A SALE!!!”

Speaking of sales… there’s actually an ON-GOING REALME LAZADA FLASH SALE happening right now until THE END OF THE DAY (December 19, 2018)! The RealMe C1’s price drops from Php 5,990 to Php 5,490! You can find the details of the sale by CLICKING RIGHT HERE! Talk about PERFECT TIMING! Check out the sale HERE!


You have a few more hours til the sale ends. Go on and get yourself a great gift for the Holidays! 🙂


*Author’s note: In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this article takes on a more humorous / comedic approach as compared to our normal fanfare. The styles give above are just for laughs and we don’t actually encourage these things 😛