Infinivan hints at a huge Internet upgrade for Cable connections

Huge internet improvements for Cable connections coming soon?

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Earlier this month, Infinivan, a Philippine telecommunications company that specializes in providing internet connections to businesses via state-of-the-art fiber optic network infrastructures, hosted an event to tell us all about the services they’ll be providing to businesses. While the event focused on their quality of their services and what they’re all about, possibly the most exciting news came in the form of them teasing that specific cable operators will be getting Fiber upgrades! 


In the event, one of the questions asked was ‘if Infinivan was going to be offering internet connections straight to consumers in the near future’ (since the plans they showed were mostly B2B). They answered by saying that doing so would make them compete with some of their existing clients specifically cable companies – although they didn’t name which specific brands. We then asked if this meant that we will soon be seeing huge fiber connections upgrades for the clients of the cable companies they serviced. The Infinivan representatives just simply smiled and said “most likely, yes.”



Infinivan offers connections that feature unlimited usage with no data caps and have a minimum rate of 25 mbps. They also offer GUARANTEED speeds based on CIR or Committed Information Rate. This means that they guarantee that you will never get speeds that is below your current plan (except, of course, for very specific cases). So if your plan is 25 mbps, they guarantee that 25 mbps is the MINIMUM speed that you will get for both upload and download. As previously mentioned, these are their business plans and we’ll have to wait and see how this translates once their cable company clients start offering new plans based on this.

Any improvements in the overall Internet situation of the Philippines, especially those for consumers, is always something to be excited about! We can’t wait for this to happen and to see which cable companies start rolling out these fiber connection upgrades soon!