[GIVEAWAY] Win Ant-Man and the Wasp Posters Autographed by Paul Rudd
as well as other Marvel / Disney Goodies!

The Marvel / Disney hype train has been going full speed ahead with Avengers: Endgame hitting movie theaters worldwide as well as with the opening of the newest interactive Marvel-themed attraction in Hong Kong Disneyland, “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Nano Battle!”.
To celebrate (and to further experience all this Marvel goodness), we’ll be giving away the following AMAZING PRIZES to all you Marvel fans out there:
- One (1) Winner will be getting a Hong Kong Disneyland Gift Bundle which contains various HKDL goodies as well as Ant-Man and the Wasp pins AND plushies
- Six (6) Winners will be getting a Mini Ant-Man Figurine (one each)
- Two (2) Winners will be getting an exclusive Ant-Man and the Wasp: Nano Battle! poster signed by PAUL RUDD, KEVIN FEIGE, and PEYTON REED! (one poster each)
How do you win these awesome prizes, you may ask? Simple! You just have to check our various articles and posts on the Ant-Man and the Wasp Ride and on Hong Kong Disneyland! Here are the specific mechanics!
How To Join
You need to do the following to join and get a chance to win the Marvel / Disney Prizes mentioned above!
- LIKE the UnGeek Facebook Page
- SUBSCRIBE to the UnGeek YouTube Channel and Click the Bell Icon
- LIKE the Hong Kong Disneyland Facebook Page
- LIKE this Facebook Post and COMMENT by TAGGING a fellow Marvel / Disney fan, encourage them to join, and tell us why you want these items! (i.e. “Hey @Tom, check this out! You should join too! I really want that autographed poster of this latest attraction
at Hong Kong Disneyland!”) - SHARE THIS POST on your Facebook timeline and invite others to join!
- Be sure to set your post privacy to PUBLIC
- Be sure to do these steps on or before 11:59pm Wednesday (May 22, 2019) to qualify.
For full promo details on eligibility, prize claiming, etc, please CLICK HERE!
Hurry and join now so you don’t miss out on all these awesome Marvel / Disney goodies… whatever it takes 😉